GRACE students paid it forward with several service activities in order to brighten up their local communities. Below are just some of the acts of kindness that took place in Green Bay thanks to our dedicated students. We are so proud of them!
Father Allouez Catholic School
The fourth grade at Father Allouez Catholic School was involved in doing service projects for the McCormick Assisted Living this year. There are 55 residents that currently reside at the facility. Students have done one project a month, starting in September and ending in May. The fourth graders learned how important doing service projects are and how even small things can really brighten someone’s day.
In September, they brought the residents SunnyD drinks. The students made some beautiful tags which were lovingly attached to each bottle.
In October, they bagged Halloween treats for residents who each received a bag of candy along with a special student note.
In November, they bagged candy corn for each of the residents. They designed a “Candy Corn Prayer” and wrote a little personal note on the back of the prayer to personalize the gift.
In December, they initiated a blanket drive and collected enough blankets to give one to each resident. The fourth graders were even able to donate some extra blankets to give to future residents! Each of the blankets were wrapped with care and given as a surprise to the residents for Christmas.
In January, the students decided to share Pop-Tarts with the residents. They had heard that they had not had Pop-Tarts since before the pandemic. They knew we had to remedy that for them! They purchased different flavors, labeled the boxes and added notes. It was all Poppin fun!
In February, they made the residents Valentines and attached them to a Valentine bag of pretzels.
In March, all of the residents received Skittles as a treat! The students made little cards to go with the Skittles or “Rainbow Seeds” as they called them. The cards were then attached to the bags of Skittles.
For April, they held a drive at school to collect items for their Easter basket project. The students were able to collect enough items to make a big Easter basket for each of the residents! They were able to take a walking field trip to visit the residents and hand deliver the baskets to everyone’s door! They loved the smiles and conversations that we had with the residents that day!
In May, they sent the residents homemade flower arrangements in coffee cups. They made tags to go on each arrangement.
The fourth graders of Father Allouez Catholic School have learned much about the importance of conducting service for their local community this year, and have made a huge impact on the lives of those residing at McCormick Assisted Living.
Holy Cross Catholic School

The students from Holy Cross Catholic School hosted a donation drive and helped make a meal for a local Green Bay shelter. This is a yearly event that the students always enjoy participating in. From decorating cookies to making soup, they assisted behind-the-scenes in the kitchen. A little food can make a big difference!
St. Bernard Catholic School
St. Bernard Catholic School had students participate in several activities this year on their service day which they deemed “kindness goals.”
The first kindness goal was to make pretty rocks to share joy with someone they know. Students chose a rock to paint and brought it home to share with a neighbor or family member of their choice. Another goal was to make potted flowers to share God’s creation with the local neighborhood surrounding the school. Students got to decorate a cup and then plant the flower inside. The cups and flowers were delivered to nearby Green Bay homes.
Students also created decorations for the elderly to brighten their day and to let them know that someone is thinking of them. Several craft projects were available for students to choose from to create a colorful door decoration. Kindness matters! Students were taught to show kindness to others and know why they were serving with a video read-aloud, kindness sing-a-long, devotion, and a journaling page.
Another kindness goal was to make a toy to show love to pets who need a home. Students created cloth toys for pets. They were brought to a Green Bay area cat and dog shelter for those in need.
The last kindness goal was to make bookmarks for the donated books. The students decorated their chosen bookmark and placed it with a book for a child who may not have many books in an effort to share the love of reading with all.
Kindness is very present in the St. Bernard Catholic School community, among the students and staff who will continue to spread it in many different ways.
The Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System consists of nine schools. We focus on the development of each student grounded in our foundation of Catholic faith for grades PK3-10.
Our mission continues to evolve in these unique times as we embrace new technologies, deliver innovative teaching and learning strategies, and hire exceptional faculty and staff dedicated to the vocation of education. Our current GRACE Strategic Plan outlines action steps in the areas of faith, academics, vitality and experience that have assisted us to enjoy enrollment growth over the past five years.
Please know you are always welcome to visit our schools to learn more about our offerings and the culture that makes each of our GRACE schools unique. The rewards of a Catholic education are endless. The gift of a Catholic education prepares your child and will remain with them throughout their life. Learn more about us here.