Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School kicked off the 2023-24 school year with a fantastic new event for all OLOL parents and staff – Parent Homecoming! On September 8, the school gym was decorated as a replica of a high school homecoming dance, complete with a photo area, music, lights, drinks and snacks. The topper of the evening was a Homecoming Court, complete with the crowning of a King and Queen. This was the first year of the Parent Homecoming, and it was a resounding success with approximately 80 in attendance.
This event was created to help build a strong parent community at the start of the school year by bringing parents together without the need to fundraise. It allowed returning parents to reconnect after a busy summer, as well as afforded new parents the opportunity to meet others and to become fully immersed in OLOL’s amazing culture. The event has been dubbed a “friendraiser,” as its goal is to welcome all parents back into the strong, committed and fun culture of the school and to build relationships that can last a lifetime.
Given the positive reaction to the 2023 Parent Homecoming, it has been decided that this will be an annual OLOL event for all parents to enjoy. The date is still to be decided for 2024, but it will most likely take place at the beginning of September. Check your calendars next summer and be sure to line up your “date” for the dance!
The Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System consists of nine schools. We focus on the development of each student grounded in our foundation of Catholic faith for grades PK3-10.
Our mission continues to evolve in these unique times as we embrace new technologies, deliver innovative teaching and learning strategies, and hire exceptional faculty and staff dedicated to the vocation of education. Our current GRACE Strategic Plan outlines action steps in the areas of faith, academics, vitality and experience that have assisted us to enjoy enrollment growth over the past five years.
Please know you are always welcome to visit our schools to learn more about our offerings and the culture that makes each of our GRACE schools unique. The rewards of a Catholic education are endless. The gift of a Catholic education prepares your child and will remain with them throughout their life. Learn more about us here.