We are excited to recognize the second outstanding volunteer within GRACE–this time, from St. John the Baptist School, Mrs. Karen Tooley!
Mrs. Tooley is both an active parent currently at St John the Baptist, and an alumni. Karen’s two oldest daughters are graduates of SJB, Analese is still with us in 7th grade. Karen serves on the Site Advisory Council as the Marketing Chair right now, but she has participated on the Council in many ways over the years, including past president.
Not only is Karen involved in the school, she is also an active parishioner at St. John the Baptist and coordinates many activities for the parish including the children’s area of our upcoming Blessfest. As if that isn’t enough, Karen organizes our Back to School Open House and for many years, managed the annual auction.
St. John the Baptist Principal, Mrs. Dana Vance stated, “when I first arrived here at SJB, Karen’s name was one of the first I heard. The answer to almost any fundraising question I have has been: did you ask Karen Tooley? She offers to do anything that is asked of her, always with a smile. She supports our teachers in so many ways, big and small. Karen truly lives our three tenets of faith, family and academic excellence in all that she does to champion St John the Baptist School.”
Thank you Mrs. Tooley!
Learn more about St. John the Baptist School by visiting their website.