The Green Bay Packers Give Back award, previously known as the Community Quarterback Award, has been around since the year 2000 and has been helping communities and volunteer efforts ever since. This award is an amazing way that the Green Bay Packers can recognize and support non-profit and tax-exempt organizations in the surrounding Green Bay community. We are thrilled to announce that GRACE: Gold Summer Camp was one of the recipients of the Packers Give Back award for the 2022 camp year!
GRACE and GRACE: Gold Summer Camp are so excited to be partnering with the Green Bay Packers in making 2022’s GRACE: Gold Summer Camp one of the best years yet! In support of the donation, all GRACE: Gold t-shirts will have the Packers Give Back logo on the back of the shirts to show our appreciation and gratitude for the award. The donation will be going towards transportation for off-site summer camp courses and field trips in addition to purchasing course supplies for our cooking, baking, art, and science courses.
The Green Bay Packers Give Back award is funded by the Green Bay Packers and the National Football League.